
Features·BasedonPythonforbottingonanyoperatingsystem-Windows,macOSandLinux·Multi-botsupported·Abletoeditbotifcertainlevelhasreached,AdiscordbotthatscrapesPokemonGOdatafromdifferentmapsAPIsandallowsyoutocreateconfigurablechannelswithspecificdatalikeActiveRaids, ...,2024年5月1日—ThePokemonGoBot,bakingwithcommunity.-ViewitonGitHub.Star.0.Rank.10457307.Releasedby@k0kubuninDecember2014.Forkmeon ......


Features · Based on Python for botting on any operating system - Windows, macOS and Linux · Multi-bot supported · Able to edit bot if certain level has reached


A discord bot that scrapes Pokemon GO data from different maps APIs and allows you to create configurable channels with specific data like Active Raids, ...


2024年5月1日 — The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community. - View it on GitHub. Star. 0. Rank. 10457307. Released by @k0kubun in December 2014. Fork me on ...


This bot takes a strong stance against automating gym battles. Botting gyms will have a negative effect on most players and thus the game as a whole. We will ...

Pokemon Go Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community. is one of the Top Open Source Projects on GitHub that you can download for free. ... Related topics about Pokemon Go ...

Developing - PokemonGo-Bot

Getting Started. macOS. git clone --recursive https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot-Desktop brew install python node wget cd PokemonGo-Bot-Desktop npm ...


telegram-bot for Pokemon Go community to inform and organize - https://github.com/theyellow/pogorobot/releases.

Open Source PokemonGo

2016年7月21日 — I released https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot as open source. Currently the bot can help to catch and spin the pokestop.